Sustainable development of the company
(AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2023)

Chairman of the Board of Directors, representative of interests of Samruk-Kazyna JSC

Date of birth: 24.04.1989

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 27 July 2023

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 2007–2010 – Australian National University, Bachelor of Economy;
  • 2023–2024 – University of Warwick, MBA (expected to graduate in 2024);
  • ACCA – international qualification in accounting and finances, member since 2014;
  • CFA, 2 levels passed.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • from August 2023 till the present – managing director for development and privatization, member of the Management Board of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, Astana City;
  • April 2021 – August 2023 – director of the Summary, Analytics and Control Directorate of SamrukKazyna JSC, Astana City;
  • May 2018 – April 2021 – head of the Economic Analysis sector of the Asset Management Directorate of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, Astana City.

Additional information

  • ‘Yeren yenbegi ushin’ Medal;
  • Medal for the 30th Anniversary o

Work in a part-time position and membership in the Board of Directors / Supervisory Boards of organization

  • KAES LLP – from 2020, member of the Supervisory Board;
  • Samruk-Kazyna Ondeu LLP – from 2021 to July 2023, member of the Supervisory Board;
  • NTIC Samgau – from 2022 to July 2023, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors;
  • Qazaq Green Power – from 2023, member of the Board of Directors;
  • Qazaq Air JSC – from 2023, member of the Board of Directors;
  • Air Astana JSC – from 2024, representative of interests of Samruk-Kazyna JSC at AMS.
She does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company.

Member of the Board of Directors, representative of interests of Samruk-Kazyna JSC

Date of birth: 10.07.1990

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 18 February 2022

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 2009–2012 –The University of Manchester, Bachelor of Mathematics and Finances;
  • 2011 – Oxbridge Learning Academy of New York;
  • 2012–2013 – Imperial College London, Master of Finances;
  • 2017 – CFA Level 2, CFA Level 3 candidate.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • from February 2022 till the present – director of the Department of Corporate Finances and Treasury of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • April 2020 – January 2022 – director of the Department of Corporate Finances of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • July 2018 – April 2020 – director of the Department of Treasury of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

Work in a part-time position and membership in the Board of Directors / Supervisory Boards of organization

  • Samruk-Kazyna Invest LLP – Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
  • Samruk-Kazyna Contract LLP – Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
  • PC Bolashaq Investments Ltd. – member of the Board of Directors;
  • PC Kazakhstan Energy Reinsurance Company – member of the Board of Directors.
He does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company.

Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Management Board of Samruk-Kazyna Construction JSC

Date of birth: 28.01.1966

Place of birth: KazSSR, Alma-Ata City

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 5 May 2023

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 1983-1990 – Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute, Almaty General Technical Department, motor road constructing engineer;
  • 2000–2002 – Kazakh National Agrarian University, agricultural scientist;
  • 2000–2002 – Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov, economist;
  • 2011–2013 – NP EE International Business Academy (module learning), management, Master of Business Administration.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • from 2 May 2022 till the present – Chairman of the Management Board of Samruk-Kazyna Construction JSC;
  • September 2020 – March 2022 – deputy Akim of Shymkent City, supervisory control of administrations of construction, energy and infrastructure development, architecture, urban planning and land relations, development of comfortable urban environment and emergency department;
  • June 2014 – September 2020 – head of the Major Construction Division of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, design and construction and transfer to record in the balance sheet the facilities of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Additional information

  • He was awarded Kurmet Order (2017) and anniversary medals: 20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011), 30 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).

Work in a part-time position and membership in the Board of Directors / Supervisory Boards of organization

  • Facility Construction Company Corporate Fund – from 22 August 2022 till the present – Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
He does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company

Member of the Board of Directors, independent director, Chairman of the Audit Committee, member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of SamrukKazyna Construction JSC

Date of birth: 19.10.1970

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 20 April 2023

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 1987-1992 – Kazakh State Economic University, Almaty City, accounting and analysis of business activities;
  • 2008–2010 – Higher Business School under MSU named after Lomonossov, Moscow, Executive MBA.


  • Certificate in Company Direction – certificate of an independent director issued by the International Association of Independent Directors ‘IOD’, London;
  • Auditor – state license No. 0000174 МФ РК;
  • 1 category tax consultant of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • From April 2023 till the present – member of the Board of Directors, independent director of QazaqGaz NC JSC, KazMunaiGas NC JSC;
  • September 2018 – March 2023 – director of the Tax Policy Department, AIFC Administration.

Additional information

  • Medal for the 20th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Letter of Appreciation from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2011.
She does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company.

Member of the Board of Directors, independent director, member of the Audit Committee, member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Samruk-Kazyna Construction JSC

Date of birth: 02.04.1972

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 12 May 2023

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 1989-1994 – Zhezkazgan Mining and Technologic University named after Baikonurov, industrial and civil construction.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • From May 2019 till the present – director of ARHIPLAN PROJECT LLP, ProektStroysnab LLP, Astana City.

Additional information

  • Anniversary Medal for the 20th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Anniversary Medal for the 25th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Certificate of Merit from the head of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010);
  • Letter of Appreciation from the head of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009);
  • Letter of Recognition from the Akim of Astana City (2006).
He does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company.

Member of the Board of Directors, independent director, member of the Audit Committee, chairman of Nomination and Remuneration Committee of SamrukKazyna Construction JSC

Date of birth: 11.03.1960

Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of first election to the Board of Directors: 19 May 2023

Date of re-election to the Board of Directors: 6 March 2024


  • 1982 – Semipalatinsk Construction Technical School, Semey City, civil technician;
  • 2003 – Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, Semey City, engineer-economist.

Places of work and positions held in organizations over recent 5 years:

  • January 2021 – January 2023 – deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of VII convocation, Chairman of the Ecology and Environmental Management Committee of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Additional information

  • Member of the Assembly of Nations of Kazakhstan (since 1995);
  • Kurmet Order (2005);
  • Honorary citizen of Borodulikha District (2002) and Beskaragay District (2008);
  • Anniversary Medals
He does not hold shares in the Company, suppliers and competitors of the Company.
Sustainable development of the company